2024 retreat minutes

Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=YmhzcHRzYXNvY2tAZ21haWwuY29t

12:30 folks arrive and chit-chat.
Talk about financial literacy classes, California to require, folks in attendance supporting, own kids would participate.
Concern about growing population.

What to do with website discussion shifts to Senior bash.
Group would like to get rid of service that provides bash.
Would save money to do it ourselves.

12:49 laid out Gus’ goals for website. know funding, track users, get kids to use technology.
Group open to using WordPress.

1:40 new arrival. She is concerned about publicizing meeting minutes and personal contact information. Suggests Google Docs. WP has granular security controls, opening the possibility that site could contain critical information without publicizing

Need to add .org to domain names. Still looking to know who is treasurer who would pay tech bills.
General consensus on moving website forward. Existing treasurer will stay on. Website will need to track with needs of treasurer and secretary.

Review of MailChimp. Folks will want to refresh email alias.
Seems to be general desire to track emails to enable granular messaging.

1:54 Spanish speaking, how can we get more of them.
What is the main goal of PTSA if it isn’t BASH?
Multi-cultural night meetings, will there be more of them? Juan and Todd set up meetings.
Patricia Herrera — Natural Leaders:
A reason for the PTSA can be to aggregate information about other clubs and events — Other boosters

..talk about structure of meeting minutes and the importance of it.
(This doc should show that this is possible).

2:13 How to run PTA MEETINGS
Pre-covid story: How meetings were run, especially the first meetings:
Actual business takes 20 minutes:
* Review meeting minutes
* Review budget
* Review by-laws
Meet of the meetings would be advice from Councilors. Parents would come for that information.
Show cases importance of guest speaker or critical topic. Budget was typically the second topic.
Ask: How does notification go out?
Not clear. Email…. Facebook…
Voting is important: Usually done at the end: if Money or bi-laws change

Possible lead topics: Can students draw folks? Clubs?

Possible events?
1) Reflections program
2) Senior graduation night — BASH
3) Staff appreciation

We have the following assets to plan events:
$35k in liquid assets — $6k per year usually comes in
Amazon wish list to help various programs might be a nice topic for website or meeting.

Back to events….
4) Movie night … subscriptions to movie night services
5) Career night at the school or at least advertise

Missed Awards
No committee meant it didn’t happen.
Can we fix the problem of no committees?
Make the secretary do it.
Reflections comes up again as an important do.
E-Prep: Can I connect someone to Officer Ware?
Special Ed
Nominating Committee — need future officers
Awards — golden acorn — teacher

Action items:
0) Do we want to do Merch? (We want to do it — secretary)
1) Do we want to do Out-Reach?
–> 26th is date: Back to school day… Seems like we want to make sure we have a table for the PTSA and new-kid day –
Monica is owning but looking for help.
–> Staff prep week … do we want someone to talk to teachers about joining PTSA?
– treasurer will own it — Stuff == QR code for staff to sign-up + food.
–> Corriculumn night — a little fuzzier about what exactly we will do for this
2) Can we make pages for each of the chair positions we care about so we can track the progress for that needed activity?
–> Gus to make pages: Devin and Monica
3) Office page:
–> Gus –> I will make officer pages and bug each officer
4) Can I get access to new web tool?
–> Devin — she will talk to some Noah (GiveBack’s coordinator) person?
5) Next meeting